


International Color Awards, 7th Annual Photography Masters Cup: 3rd Place Honor of Distinction in the Aerial Category, "Air Acrobatics; Nominees in the Aerial Category, "Synchronized Parabolic" and "Synchronized Parachuting"; Nominees in the Nature Category, "Flirtation" and "Here's Looking At You"; Nominee in the Wildlife Category, "Bronx Cheer"

Palm Beach Photographic Centre 18th Annual InFocus Juried Exhibition (6/11 to 8/2): "Polo 9"

Worldwide Photography Gala Awards 3rd Biennial of Photography to be held at the Municipal Heritage Museum, Malaga, Spain, 09/18 to 11/9/2014, two images to be displayed, "Reflections" and "Threesome"


8th Annual Black & White Spider Awards: Nominee in the Photojournalism Category, "Mushed Out"

Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden 2013 Bird Festival Photography Competition, Birds of South Florida, Top Twenty: 2nd Place - "Ballet Dancer" and 13th Place - "Takeoff"

2014 North American Nature Photography Association Showcase: Semi-Finalists - "I Got The Point" and "Sahara Sunrise"

2013 Annual International Photography Awards: Honorable Mentions in the Editorial(Other) Category - "Air Acrobatics" and "Close Call"; Honorable Mention in the Nature(Wildlife) Category - "Bronx Cheer"; Honoable Mention in the Special(Other) - "Close Call"

Worldwide Photography Gala Awards 5th Annual Pollux Awards: 2nd Prize in the Abstracts Category - "Reflection V"; Finalist in the Animals Category - "Bronx Cheer"; Finalist in the in the Culture and Daily Life Category - "Formation Break II"; Finalist in the Landscapes Category - "Stilted House"; Finalist in the Nature Category - "Pollenized"; Finalist in the Still Life Category - "Threesome"

Photographer's Forum Magazine 33rd Annual Spring Photography Contest: Finalist, "Faded Dreams".

North American Nature Photography Association's selection for their Daily Sampler on their website for 06/12/2013, 08/05/2013 and 09/28/2013: "I Got The Point"

North American Nature Photography Association's selection for their Daily Sampler on their website for 05/24/2013, 07/20/2013, 09/08/2013 and 10/31/2013: "Stare Down"

The Exposure 2013 Awards Exhibition: selection to be included in a digital projection series to be premiered at the opening of the exhibition in their New York City gallery space in July; "Key West I".

Worldwide Photography Gala 4th Edition of the Pollux Awards: Photographer of the Year in the Still Life Category - "Reflection II" This image will be displayed during The Worldwide Photography Exhibition at the Borges Cultural Center, Buenos Aires, Argentina in June 2014.

North American Nature Photography Association's selection for their Daily Sampler on their website for 05/05/2013, 07/05/2013, 08/21/2013 and 10/14/2013: "Soaring"

Palm Beach Photographic Centre 17th Annual InFocus Juried Exhibition (6/19 to 8/17): "OnThe Run", "Looking Closely", "The Horsemen"

World Wide Art Books "International Contemporary Masters" Volume 7: Premium two page spread containing four images; "Flirtation", "Network", "Linear Vegetation", Floating on Air"

ArtExpo New York 2013 Exhibition (3/21 to 3/24): One image displayed in World Wide Art Books Gallery; "Salty Ponds II" (Alternate Image; "Peru 9")

International Color Awards, 6th Annual Photography Masters Cup: Nominee in the Americana Category, "Easter on Fifth"; Nominee in the Silhouette Category, “Filigree Man"; Nominee in the Wildlife Category, “Final Approach"

World Wide Art Books "International Masters of Photography" Volume I Exhibition at the Southern Nevada Museum of Fine Art (2/9 to 3/23): Two images displayed; "Salty Ponds" and "Peru 7"


The Worldwide Gala Awards Street Photography Competition: Honorable Mention, "Waiting For Green"

The Worldwide Gala Awards Fine Art Competition: Honorable Mentions, "Linear Vegetation" and "Solitude II"

AIA Miami 18th Annual International Architectural Photography Exhibit at JSK Art Gallery, Coral Gables, Florida: Six images displayed; "Arches", "Building By The Numbers", "Solitude II", "Sculptured", "Ship Shaped", "Colorized"

Art Takes Miami (Scope Art Show-Art Basel Miami): One image appearing in the Art Takes Miami Catalog, "Antigua Afternoon"

Red Dot Miami 2012 Exhibition (Art Basel Miami)(12/4 to 12/9): One image displayed in World Wide Art Books Gallery, "Salty Ponds II" (Alternate Image: Peru 9")

"International Masters of Photography" Volume I: Two page spread containing four images; "Salty Ponds", "Peru 7", "Surf's Up", "Reflection II"

ArtaVita 2nd Contemporary Masters Contest: Honorable Mention, "Me and My Shadow".

2012 Photographer's Forum Magazine 32nd Annual Spring Photography Contest: Finalist, "Locked and Unlocked".

Worldwide Photography Gala Awards, Portrait Competition, Short List - 2012, "Easter on Fifth Avenue #5".

7th Annual Black & White Spider Awards: Nominee in the Sports Category, "Damselfly Replica"; Nominee in the Still Life Category, “Benched".

Photographic Exhibition at Kendall Branch First National Bank of South Miami, Miami, Florida (6/1 to 7/31), “A Potpourri of Photographic Images": "Close Quarters", "Circa 16 Cent Gallon", "Medina Entry", Blue and Pink", "Stare Down", "Salt Ponds", Bootiful Daises", "I Got the Point", "Framed", "Ballet Dancer", "Archways", "Circles", Stormy Weather", "The Intruder", Antigua Afternoon", "Canal Paassage", "Caravan", "Takeoff".

Palm Beach Photographic Centre 16th Annual InFocus Juried Exhibition (6/20 to 8/18), "The Photographer Within".


Worldwide Photography Gala 3rd Annual Pollux Awards: Honorable Mention in the Portfolio Section of the Children Category - Series, "Children of Peru"and Honorable Mention in the Culture and Daily Life Category - "Mushing". All six images displayed during The Worldwide Photography Biennial Exhibition held at the Palaise de Glace, Buenos Aires, Argentina from January 19 to February 27, 2012.

International Color Awards, 5th Annual Photography Masters Cup: Nominees in the Americana Category, "Manhattan", "The Lost Coke"; Nominee in the People Category, “Salty Work"; Nominee in the Still Life Category, “Wash Day"

Worldwide Photography Gala Awards, 2011 WPGA Editorial Awards: Honorable Mentions, "Raffa Gets" and "Salty Ponds"

Worldwide Photography Gala Awards, 2011 June Pollux Competition: Portfolio Section - 1st Prize in the Children Category-Series, "Children of Peru"; 3rd Prize in the Culture and Daily Life Category, "Mushing"; 1st Prize in the Fine Art Category, "Circles"; 3rd Prize in the Still Life Category, "Circa 16 Cent Gallon"

6th Annual Black & White Spider Awards: Nominee in the Architectural Category, "Vegitated Confluence”; Nominees in the Photojournalism Category, “Close Quarters”; "Mushing", "Salty"; Nominees in the Sports Category, "Raffa Gets"; Nominee in the Wildlife Category, “Takeoff"

2011 Photographer's Forum Magazine 31st Annual Spring Photography Contest: Finalist, "Arches"

Palm Beach Photographic Centre 15th Annual InFocus Juried Exhibition (6/24 to 8/20), "Sculptured" - Honorable Mention, "Wash Colors" and “The Lost Coke”

Photographic Exhibition at Bet Shira Congregation, Pinecrest, Florida (5/9 to 5/23) “A Celebration of Israel - 63rd Birthday of Independence”, 63 images of of Israel.


AIA Miami 17th Annual International Photography Competition, Best of Show, “Arches”, Best Color, “Building By The Numbers” and Top Twenty, “Solitude II” and Sculptured”

2010 International Photography Awards Competition: Honorable Mention in the Special-Aerial Category, Close Quarters”; Honorable Mention in the Editorial-Sports Category, “Raffa Gets”; Honorable Mention in the Nature-Wildlife Category, “Stare Down”; Honorable Mention in the Nature-Sunset Category, “Key West Sunset”

Photographer’s Forum Magazine’s 30th Annual Spring Photography Competition, Best of Photography 2010, Finalist, “Medina Entry”

Palm Beach Photographic Centre 14th Annual InFocus Juried Exhibition (7/10 to 8/31), "Close Quarters" (Honorable Mention) and “I Got the Point”

International Color Awards, 4th Annual Photography Masters Cup: Nominee in the Architecture Category, "Circa 16 Cent Gallon”; Nominee in the Still Life Category, “Connected”; Nominees in the Wildlife Category, “Famished”, “Point Man”, “Stare Down”, “Surfing”

Photographic Exhibition at Pinecrest Citibank Branch, Pinecrest, Florida (5/3 to 5/14), “Around the World With Allen Lubitz – A Ten Country Tour of Photographic Images”: “Motril Moon” Spain; “The Shopkeeper” Greece; “Blue Mosque” Turkey; “Lost in Thought” China; “Antigua Afternoon” Antigua; “The Wall” Israel; “Santorini View” Greece; “Serenity” China; “Sahara Sunrise” Morocco; “Posing” Peru; “Vatican Sunrise” Italy; “Locked and Unlocked” Panama.

Deering Estate at Cutler 2010 Spring Juried Photography Exhibition (4/17 to 5/28) “Walking on Water”, “Just Fishing” and “Surf Riders”


AIA Miami 16th Annual International Photography Competition, Best Black and White, "Ship Shaped" and People's Choice, "Colorized"

DoubleExposure Magazine Challenge, Animals and Wildlife Competition, Photograph in the Eight Showcase Selections, “Surfing”

International Color Awards 3rd Annual Photography Masters Cup, Nominee in the Wildlife Category, “Ballet Dancer”

Everglades National Park Ernest Coe Visitors Center and the Fairchild Tropical Botanical

Gardens Everglades Day Exhibit, “Reflections” and “The Hunter”


AIA Miami 15th Annual International Photography Competition, 5 Photographs in the Top Twenty and People’s Choice, “Alone” & “Blue and Pink” (20), “Circa AD 80”, Street Scene” & “Perspective V”

Palm Beach Photographic Centre 12th Annual Infocus Juried Exhibition 6/12 to 8/9), “Lost in Thought” and “Shorebound”


Kravis Center, West Palm Beach, FL, October Playbill Cover, Photograph of the Stage

Palm Beach Post's 3rd Annual Focus on Nature Photography Contest, Honorable Mention in the Landscape Category, "Everglades Sunrise".

International Color Awards 2nd Annual Photography Masters Cup, Nominee in the Nature Category, “Walking on Water”


Palm Beach Photographic Centre 10th Annual Infocus Juried Exhibition (6/9 to 8/5), “Circles” and “Fotofusion Passage”

Fairchild Tropical Botanical Gardens Ramble, Photographs on exhibit and for sale


Palm Beach Photographic Centre 8th Annual Infocus Juried Exhibition (5/28 to 8/7), “Black and White”

Image from Peru selected to appear in the Palm Beach Photographic Centre Travel Workshop 2004 Brochure (Group of women with Llamas)

Facebook - www.facebook.com/allenlubitzphotography

Flickr Website - Images of Morocco
